Gefördert durch Mittel des Währinger Kulturbudgets-Funded by funds from the Währinger cultural budget
Orbital Hotel Band Orbital Hotel Band
Instrumental Music from Vienna Austria

New Album Release! Infinito, May 24th 2024

Jose Luis Preza Diaz Check out the review of Infinito by The Metal Podcast (Los Angeles)

A short mini review of Infinito by MetalSV-Metalanalyzer (El Salvador)

For Rock Music, scroll down
For Quiet Instrumental Guitar click here-> 14 Albums of Quiet Instrumental Guitar - mostly acoustic

2024 events:
Jan 23rd 9pm. Cafe Carina Vienna
Feb 28th 8pm. Coco Bar Vienna
March 9th, 5PM Kulturgarage Vienna
March 22nd 11pm. Arena Beisl, Vienna (SHARKTANK after party)
March 23rd 9pm. Mister Bs, Munich
March 30th 9pm, Laguna Libre Venezia, Italia!!!
April 4th 6pm FestSaal Amthaus Währing, Vienna
April 12th Yuris Night Vienna! Technical Museum Vienna
April 12th 10pm Yuris Night Party! Cafe Gagarin Vienna
April 13th Yuris Night-Space Day Stuttgart! Planetarium - Live Stream
April 20th Q202-AtelierRundgang 20 Years Anniversary
April 26th 7pm Kulturpassage, Vienna Art Market Währing
May 4th 4pm West Fest, Graz
May 4th 8pm 12erHaus Pöllau
May 24th 6pm, 7:30pm, 9pm and 10:30pm, Lange Nacht der Forschung Graz (Space Research Institute)
May 25th Artfactory Graz Re-Opening Event
July 11th, 7pm SpaceTeam-Ariane 6 Event! in TuTheSky TU Wien
July 27th, 9pm. Mister Bs, Munich
July 28th, 15:00 Ganswoanders, Munich
Aug 27th, 14:00 Eurovision Exibition, Husavik Island
Sept 8th 20:00 Freddys Bar, Brooklyn NYC, USA
Sept 10th, 21:00 The Cantab Lounge, Cambridge, USA
Sept 11th, 22:00 Nighthorse, Brooklyn NY, USA
Sept 12th, 21:00 Shrine, New York, USA
Sept 30th, 19:00 2ndFloor Gastown Vancouver Canada (TBC)

Orbital Hotel Band makes instrumental rock combining elements of hard rock, spacy rock, fuzz rock and electro-pop rock using distorted and clean electric guitars, acoustic guitars, groovy bass, heavy drums and acoustic percussion.

José Luis Preza: Guitars, Synth, Drum machine, Vocals
Teo Ponomariov: Bass, Guitar, Synth
Tamer Aykac: Percussion

For events, licensing or anything please send a message to

All melodies copyright José Luis Preza. All rights reserved
Live Stream Space Day Germany April 13th 2PM Austria Time (CET)

Spotify Playlists

Heavy Side - only heavy rock - play it loud
Spacy Melodies
Videos on TikTok

Orbital Hotel Band Facebook Site Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Infinito (May 24th, 2024)

Time Travel (March 14th, 2024)

Party All Night (Single 2023)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Exoplanets (2023)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Esfera (2023)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Machine Learning (2023)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Magnetic Field (2023)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Starfruit (2023)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Space Junk (2022)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Maintenance (2021)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Fully Booked (2021)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

Flying Around (2020)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz

In Orbit (2018-2019)

Jose Luis Preza Diaz
European Researchers Night 2022

Other Links
Videos on TikTok

European Researchers Night 2023- very short video

RuheZone Music
Playing RuheZone Live, 2016

Jose Luis Preza - acoustic guitar
Solo guitar 2007-2022

Events 2023

Nov 24 SpaceTeam Annual Event TUTheSky TUWien. Music at 6pm
Oct 6. 8pm World Space Party. Cafe Gagarin, Vienna Flyer
Sept 29, European Researchers Night Vienna
August 24th, Corsica
July 23rd, Gaukurinn, Reykjavík Iceland. 9pm Gaukurinn
July 31st. Eurovision Exibition, Husavik, Iceland
Aug 2nd Tehusid, Egilsstadir, Iceland
Aug 3rd Norröna MSC. North Atlantic
April 12th 2023 7pm. Urania. Vienna. Yuris Night

Events 2022

-Nov 15 8pm, Trashart Gallery 1180 Wien. Martina Reinhart's Vernissage.
-Oct 28, 8pm, SpaceTeam Event, TUWien
-Sept 30, European Researchers Night, it was live streamed! University of Applied Arts Vienna The video
-Blue7 Lounge July 9th Blue7 Lounge-July 9th
-World Refugee Day, Vienna. June 20th (we played for Ukrainian Refugees)

Events 2020

Martina Reinharts Finissage, TrashArt Gallery, Vienna, October 2nd, 2020 6pm
-Martina Reinharts Finissage, FivePlus Gallery, Vienna, June 25th, 2020 7.30pm

Events 2019

-Sept 27, European Researchers Night , University of Applied Arts Vienna
-April 12th, Yuri's Night, Natural History Museum, Vienna Austria, Friday

Events 2018

-Open Source Ball, Vienna Austria 2018, Friday, November 9th, 2018
-Austrian Innovation Forum, Oct 11th
-European Researchers Night, Sept 28 Vienna, 21:30
-ARS Electronica, Linz Sept 8th, 9th
-Cafe Gagarin-Wien, 22nd June 8pm
-April 13th, Lange Nacht der Forschung. Am Hof, Wien 17:00 until 23:00
-April 23th, 24th and 25th, Science Festival Wissensdurst, Alma Galerie Wien 21:00 - Orbital Hotel Copyright José Luis Preza Diaz 2007-2023. All melodies by José Luis Preza Diaz. All rights reserved.
In the recordings above: All instruments played by José Luis,
Ganymede Sounds: Copyright NASA

A nice view from Space (Nasa pic) Jose Luis Preza Diaz
jl alien jl alien
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